Independence House
Victoria, Mahe
(+248) 4 293636 / 4293600
Currently, visitors are permitted to travel to Seychelles if they are travelling from countries that are on the published list of permitted countries, provided that they have not been in a country not on the permitted list in the previous 14 days. If the travel involves a transit stop in a country not on the permitted list and the traveller does not leave the airport in the transit country, that traveller is permitted to travel to Seychelles. Conditions covering pre-travel, travel, arrival and stay in Seychelles remain in force and are detailed below.
In view of the continued surge in coronavirus (Covid-19) cases in Europe and elsewhere, visitors coming from those areas will as from October 1, 2020, be obliged to do a PRC test for Covid-19 48 hours before departure.
Furthermore, while in Seychelles, they will have to stay in special designated transit hotels for constant monitoring of the virus before being allowed to roam the country.
Ministry of Employment, Immigration & Civil Status
Press Release
Immigration and Civil Status Department
Monday 31st August 2020
The website of the Department of Immigration and Civil Status will, as from Monday 31st August 2020 have a new look thanks to nearly five months of close working collaboration with a local web designer.
The Department has found it necessary to carry out the upgrade, mindful of the requirements which had to be inserted in view of the Coronavirus pandemic.
We have paid much attention to your feedback which has been taken into consideration in the design concept. We hope that the end-product is friendlier and more informative.
You can visit us on