Can I apply online?

The biometric passport requires the applicant to be present for collection of bio-data during the enrolment process.

How can I travel to Seychelles without my passport if I had submitted it or renewal before the launch?

If the passport has expired, then an Emergency Travel Document valid for 6months can be issued to the applicant for their return to Seychelles.
The document is required to include return details.

NB: Emergency Travel Document will be issued at the cost of applicant

How do I enrol?

Applicants should present themselves at the enrolment office and present the appropriate documents to the customer service agent. Applicants are then vetted and all details are documented. Once completed applicants may proceed to cashier for payment. First time applicants are vetted and once verified proceeds to the cashier for payment.

Upon completion of payment applicants submit their bio-data as follows:
Image is taken, fingerprints and digital signature.
Receipt of payment remains with applicant for collection. Collection date and time will be communicated via telephone.

How long before I travel do I need to create or renew my passport?

It is strongly advised to renew or apply for your passport 6 months prior to your travel date. This ensures ample time for application, due-diligence checks and enrolment

How much does it cost and how long does it take?

The fee of the Bio-Metric passport remains the same at SCR750 per applicant. The payment is made after the application has been submitted and can be paid by card or cash. You may receive your new passport in 72hours after application. The Immigration department will notify you through a telephone call once your passport is ready for collection.

If my old passport is still valid do, I need to have the new Bio-Metric Passport made?

If your passport expires in the next 6 months and you are planning to travel within that time, it is highly advisable to renew your passport as early as possible. If your passport is valid for more than 1 year, you do not need to renew right away and unless you are leaving the country for an extended period of time.

What documents do I need to enrol?

When applying for the renewal of passport you need to submit your old passport and National Identity Number card, to the enrolment officer.

If you are applying for the first time you need to provide your original or certified copy of your birth certificate and National Identity Number card.

What does it look like?

There are 3 types of Seychelles Passports. Ordinary, Official & Diplomatic Passports. The passport covers remain the same. The ordinary and official passport covers remain the same colour which is a burgundy and green respectively. The diplomatic passport has changed from red to black. The pages of the passports highlight cultural, geographical and natural heritage of Seychelles through images on the pages.

What if I lost or misplaced my old passport?

You need to first declare the passport as missing to the Seychelles Police, where you will receive a document declaring the passport as missing. You will require another form of identification for this process. This process applies if your passport has been: Stolen, Lost, Misplaced or Destroyed. Please note that if your passport was misplaced a surcharge fee of 1500 is to be paid to the Immigration Department

What if my passport has expired but I haven’t submitted it for renewal?

Passport holders with dual citizenship are advised to use their other valid passport for the trip to Seychelles. Upon arrival your passport may be renewed at the customer service centre.

Passport holders without dual citizenship, an Emergency Travel Document may be issued to the them, from the nearest Seychelles mission or passport office in the country of residence.
NB: Emergency Travel Document will be issued at the cost of applicant

What is the Bio-Metric Passport?

The Seychelles Bio-Metric Passport was first introduced by the Seychelles Government in November 2022. The new passport has new security features and a microchip within the page which contains your personal information. The introduction of the Bio-Metric passport ushers in the era of modernisation and puts Seychelles on par with international norms. The new passports have improved security features which also lessens the like-hood of fraud.

What is the process for applicants on Praslin and La Digue?

Applicants on Praslin may visit the immigration office at Pension Fund Complex. Monday to Friday - 8.30 am to 4.00pm.

We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Applicants on La Digue may enrol using our mobile service every Thursday located at Mills Complex La Passe. If you require the mobile service to conduct a house call due to circumstances that does not facilitate movement, it is advisable to contact the Immigration Office 252 07 53/ 4293636 to schedule enrolment via mobile service.

What will happen if I am overseas and have submitted my passport before the launch but have not received my new passport?

If the passport is still valid it can be retrieved from the Immigration Passport Office and used for the return flight.

If the passport has expired, then an Emergency Travel Document valid for 6months can be issued to the applicant for their return to Seychelles. The document can be acquired from the nearest Seychelles mission or passport office in the country of residence.  NB: Emergency Travel Document will be issued at the cost of applicant

The document is required to include return details 

Where are your enrolment offices located?

Our offices are located on:

  • Mahe: Victoria, Ground Floor Independence House, Immigration Customer Service Centre
  • Praslin: Ground Floor, Pension Fund Complex, Grand Anse Praslin
  • La Digue: Mills Complex, La Passe (service available on Thursdays)